Light land art installation
Light land art installation

Fotoesferas investigates the capacity of light to form territories that produce a multiplicity of sensations. It is about the creation of light topographies (light land art) formed from the artificialization of natural phenomena, more specifically, the display of the chromatic spectrum that the sun's rays produce when they refract in the earth's atmosphere.
A series of light-emitting devices specifically designed and manufactured for this purpose emit digital light at different frequencies, modulating different colors and rotating on their own axes in a choreography that simulates the infinite movement of the planets. Arranged in the territory, the artifacts configure light cones of different depths and heights, generating encounters and disagreements with each other and with the ground, defining a materiality and a cyclical but changing light

The sky is not something far away: it is something all around you. The weather is never far from you either: it craves your intimacy. Air, pressure, heat and humidity penetrate and rewrite your autonomic and unconscious nervous system, influencing your thoughts and feelings, corroding the metals of a harddrive reading and writing in clicks inscribing yourself as a person on the netwok as you move on and offline. When you really think about it, everything belongs to nature: Plastic, silicon, toy dogs, genetically modified corn. What you typically think of as nature–organic, carbon-based materials and cyclical time – is a reflection of your own body, which is only one of many bodies in the natural world. Let’s unpack
The thickness of the atmosphere
master thesis project, light Installation, digital video and digital drawings
master thesis project, light Installation, digital video and digital drawings

The apparent movements of the sun around the earth, and the gradients of colored light that unfold in the sky, are phenomena that are so undeniably beautiful that they become crystallized images, inaccessible and difficult to be analyzed.
From a simulation of the Earth's atmosphere, a program analyzes the color data from different points in the sky and their changes over time. Computing involves separating, organizing, analyzing. How the sun move
and how the color of the sky changes, what are its rhythms, its relationships, its tensions. The emerging of that computation is information available to be interpreted and manipulated. These data displays relationships, movements and trends.
The physical universe can be thought of as an infinite series of relationships between systems. The influence of sunlight on the Earth's atmosphere generates chromatic effects that constitute an extremely expressive material. The program takes that material and makes it inexpressive by transforming it into numerical data, but that information can be reorganized by becoming again expressive. In this passage what emerges is the singularity of the original phenomenon, resignifying it.
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From a simulation of the Earth's atmosphere, a program analyzes the color data from different points in the sky and their changes over time. Computing involves separating, organizing, analyzing. How the sun move
and how the color of the sky changes, what are its rhythms, its relationships, its tensions. The emerging of that computation is information available to be interpreted and manipulated. These data displays relationships, movements and trends.
The physical universe can be thought of as an infinite series of relationships between systems. The influence of sunlight on the Earth's atmosphere generates chromatic effects that constitute an extremely expressive material. The program takes that material and makes it inexpressive by transforming it into numerical data, but that information can be reorganized by becoming again expressive. In this passage what emerges is the singularity of the original phenomenon, resignifying it.
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Abstractive device: solar cicle
video-light Installation
video-light Installation

The apparent movements of the sun around the earth, and the gradients of colored light that unfold in the sky, are phenomena that become unquestionably beautifu crystallized images, inaccessible clichés, difficult to be analyzed. To transform them into materials capable of autonomizing and surpassing the phenomenon from which they arise, transcending such stunning of the senses, the sunlight and its refraction in the atmosphere, is analyzed as a series of chromatic data that, distributed in a matrix, can be organized and transformed.
Intensities seeking expression
artist in residence at Sporoble (Quebec)
This installation consists of two exercises of abstraction that collapses in a mass of images and shapes. One is the translation of footage of a body moving, to a matrix of lights. The other is the translation of the brightness of a digital image of snow texture into a topography composed of five gradient heights. The meshing materials are a translucent plastic fabric and salt. The salt grains were separated through a mechanic system to obtain four different “resolutions” of salt. The result is an ever-changing topography of light and color that configures something visually familiar and strange at the same time.trailer